Referring Professionals

Del Amo holds your patient referral in the highest regard as we walk with them on the road to recovery. Primary care physicians and other healthcare professionals may refer a patient to Del Amo or contact us to make an appointment for the patient.

A qualified mental health professional is available to assist you 24 hours a day, seven days a week to make a referral and schedule an assessment. Call 310-784-2219 to schedule an assessment or receive more information.

Refer a Client or Request More Information

Please fill out the form below and we will contact you with more information. All information provided will remain confidential. If you need urgent or emergency help, please go to your nearest hospital.

"*" indicates required fields

Your relationship to person being referred*
Preferred Contact*

About the Referred Client

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Help is waiting at Del Amo.

Reach out to us today to get started. Call 310-784-2219 and speak with a wellness expert in our intake office.